Reiki  I

Training & Certification

Next training


june 1, 2024


In Person at AMAVI ICT
East Wichita, KS

Connect with the life force energy that flows through us all for self healing and the empowerment of your souls path.

In this 4 hr training you will learn practices to cleanse and clear your own energy, tap into your own inner guidance system and raise your vibrational set point.

Leave with practical tools to protect and care for your energy, build self trust and cultivate self love.

And the best part! Connect with other like minded people in Wichita!

Of course, you’ll also receive your Reiki I certificate and attunement. This is the prereq for Reiki II practitioner level training. Look forward to connecting with you!

Reiki II

Training & Certification

Next training

August 10, 2024

12p - 8pm


East Wichita KS

Whether you want to become a Reiki practitioner, or simply raise your vibe, Reiki II is a beautiful practice to have in your tool belt. In this in depth training you’ll gain everything you need to be a confident certified Reiki practitioner. From the art of holding space, to conducting sessions, creating your business, gaining confidence in your abilities and trusting yourself, we’ll cover everything you need to move forward in whatever way feels right for you. In addition to the this class day, we’ll have scheduled meet ups and check ins with Brooke for continued support as you step into this new realm. Much Love!